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Комстрим ООД

Разглеждания: 2 703
Комстрим ООД

За компанията

We focus on building long term partnerships with our customers and help them to grow, manage and run their technical operations.

We are a privately held company group, founded in 2010 and with around 50 employees in our offices in Sweden and Bulgaria (Sofia and Varna) and this is where our HR specialists find the best IT professionals for our customers.

Our customers include cloud service providers and internet companies in many niches, including online marketing, finance, recruiting, social networking, gaming, e-commerce, infrastructure, B2B software, telematics, building automation, ERP and geographical information systems.


Визитна картичка


Градове в България:София, Варна
В България от:2010
Държави/градове извън България:Швеция
Година на основаване:2010


Здравна застраховка
петъчен обяд



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