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Intracol Technologies AD

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Intracol Technologies AD

О компании

Intracol is a global IT services and solutions company part of BULPROS, delivering quality solutions to its customers in the areas of Collaboration, Big Data & Analytics and Internet of Things.
Intracol stands for Innovation, Transformation and Collaboration. These concepts represent the guiding principles upon which we have envisioned our company.
Following these principles, we have focused on selected technological areas reflected in the capabilities that we have and continue to develop. The team has built secure, scalable and highly available systems with large scale deployments over the years, integrating various technologies and building delightful experiences.
We have prominent experience in building scalable solutions, managing small, medium and large scale projects as well as working with cutting edge technologies. When it comes to integrating cross-vendor solutions Intracol is first choice with its experience in the technology stacks of technology vendors like Cisco Systems, Google, IBM, Microsoft, Hortonworks and others.

Визитна картичка

Служащие в Болгарии: 46
Города в Болгарии:София
В Болгарии с:2014
Страны/города вне Болгарии:Франкфурт, Германия/ Сан Хосе, САЩ
Год основания:2014


Допълнително здравно осигуряване
Безплатни напитки в офиса
Допълнителни дни платен отпуск
Възможност за работа вкъщи
Годишен бонус
Безплатни обучения/Езиков курс
Билети за семинари, ИТ събития,форуми
Партита/Тийм билдинг
Карти за спорт



София, Младост 4, Бизнес парк София, сграда 4 ет. 1 / Виж на картата


0885 743979








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София, Младост 4, Бизнес парк София, сграда 4 ет. 1