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C3i Inc.

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About the company

C3i Solutions, an HCL Technologies Company, is a business process outsourcer specializing in global, high-touch consumer, patient and end user engagement. Our network of global contact centers provides unparalleled, 24/7, multi-lingual support to customers in over 175 countries. For the past 35 years, our unique, multi-channel approach and experience in highly regulated industries have made us the partner-of-choice for some of the world’s most trusted brands. With a strategic focus on innovation, we excel at protecting our clients’ brands, while maximizing productivity and cost efficiency.

Company's card

C3i Solutions, an HCL Technologies Company, is a business process outsourcer specializing in global, high-touch consumer, patient and end user engagement. Our network of global contact centers provides unparalleled, 24/7, multi-lingual support.

Employees in Bulgaria: 700
Cities in Bulgaria:София, Варна
In Bulgaria by:2005
Country/cities outside Bulgaria:САЩ, Япония, Китай, Индия





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